It is an animated 5-minute presentation about MOOCs. I used PowToon to create the movie and Camtasia to edit it, and add a voice-over. I also inserted/integrated very short video clips of experts on MOOCs. I did my best to make the presentation as accessibile as possible.
The process started with the creation of the presentation on a word document and then copying and pasting the text to PowToon. The finished product was downloaded as an MP4 file and imported to Camtasia (full version). A voice-over was recorded and integrated with the presentation. Video clips and music were added to the presentation. A final MP4 file was created through Camtasia's export feature. This was uploaded to Google Drive.
To prepare this presentation I used various sources, including:
- The video 'What is a MOOC' available at, accessed 6 March 2015.
- Farmer, J. (2012) 'MOOCS: The new higher education?, available at, accessed 6 March 2015.
- Laurrillard, D. (2014) 'Five myths about MOOCs', in The Times Higher Educational, available at, accessed 6 March 2015.
- MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses), available at, accessed on 8 March 2015.
- Hollands, F.M. and Tirthali, D. MOOCs: Expectations and Reality, Centre for Benefit-Cost Studies of Education Teachers College, Columbia University, available at, accessed on 6 March 2015.
- McAuley, A., Stewart, B., Siemens, G. and Cormier, D. (2010), The MOOC model for digital practice, available at, accessed on 6 March 2015.
These two YouTube videos were converted to MP3 files for the music used in the presentation.