Wednesday, March 11, 2015

FaceBook and Wix: two tools that have potential for teaching and learning online

I'm presently exploring a social networking tool, that is, Facebook, and a free website tool called Wix.  The link to the Facebook page for the University of Malta course number MSL4205 called Technology-Enhanced Learning is available at, while the website for the course Foundations of Adult Education in the Online Medium can be found at

The literature agrees that Web2.0 tools, including social networking sites, such as Facebook, can be integrated within fully online, and also hybrid teaching efforts. They present interaction affordances that make possible rich and engaging forms of multimodal collaboration, allowing students and instructors to become more directly visible to and socially present with one another. 

I am exploring the use of a Facebook page as a constructivist learning tool where students can engage in discussions which I initiate. So far, all 24 students in my face-to-face class, have contributed to the discussions created on this page.

I am also investigating the use of a free website service, that is,, to create an online course. I'm still at the initial phases. One of the hurdles I must overcome is the integration and/or embedding of discussion widgets into the course pages. I have yet not understood how this can be achieved (if it can be achieved). Working on it.

1 comment:

  1. Wix is one of the best site creation tools at the moment. Not so popular as Wordpress, for example, but definitely has something to offer. Students often use custom writing paper service in order to save some time for more important assignments.
