Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Online Surveys in Education

This is the link to a survey I devleoped through Google Forms.
I have created this survey as part of the evaluation process of a course I'm developing called Virtual Adult Learning Communities. The survey intends to evaluate two main elements of the course, its pedagogy - which will be mainly based on asynchronous text-based online discussions - and the instructor's performance during these discussions. It is very important for me to assess my efficiency and effectiveness in encouraging dialogue and developing and maintaining and community of learning within the group.
As the ADDIE framework suggests, the evaluation of an instructor's performance is an essential process for a successful educational program, whether it is face-to-face or online (Wright, 2011). It is particularly important in the online medium because there is lower sense of immediacy when compared to the brick-and-mortar classroom. Feedback is less immediate and spontaneous. It is more difficult to obtain in text-based courses. Therefore, it is very important for the online instructor to gather feedback and student suggestions throughout the whole course. This will also increase the students' sense of belonging to the learning group, because they will feel important since their contributions are valued by the instructor.

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